How does aging affect your back?
Nearly 85% will experience some type of back or neck pain in their lifetime. As you age, your likelihood of experiencing back pain in the lower portion of your spine increases. This is because your spine changes with age.
The 33 bones that make up your spinal column are called vertebrae. Between each vertebrae is a rubbery disc called an intervertebral disk. This protects them from rubbing against one another. Your vertebrae together protect your spine and nerves, while also creating flexibility and movement in your back.
Your intervertebral disks start to dry out and wear away as you age. As your vertebrae rub against one another, this can lead to stiffness and pain in the back. The area surrounding your spinal cord can also become narrower. This condition is known as spinal Stenosis. It puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, which can cause pain.
There are other age-related changes that can cause pain in your back.
Mild aches and pains in the back can be expected as part of aging. They shouldn’t be severe and they aren’t inevitable. Feel free to contact us, We can advise you on the most appropriate alternative treatment options for your specific condition.