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Non surgical treatments for lower back pain
Non surgical treatments for lower back pain

Non surgical treatments for lower back pain

Non surgical treatments for lower back pain

A shooting, stabbing or burning sensation in the back muscle which may radiate down the leg is known as back pain. Such pain worsens with excessive lifting, prolonged sitting and lying down in an uncomfortable position.

A break in the spine due to fall, osteoporosis, sprains, strains, injuries in the ligaments, muscles and tendons may cause back pain. Back pain can be avoided by muscle strengthening and stretching exercises and healthy diets.

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants

Muscle relaxants reduce stiffness in the muscle which in turn reduces pain. They form second line treatment which follows pain relieving medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Muscle relaxants include cyclobenzaprine and carisoprodol.They treat acute back pain especially as sedative when back pain disrupts sleep. They inhibit nerve signals in the brain and spinal cord and break the pain-spasm-pain cycle as a protective response.

Narcotic pain medications

Narcotic pain medications

Narcotics or opioids are used to treat back pain and they provide short term relief from severe back pain. Since they attach themselves to pain receptors and block the feeling of pain, patients return to normal routine life. Narcotics are controlled medicines and taken only by physician’s prescription. They cannot be consumed for more than 3 to 4 months and patients reduce dosages, once the pain subsides.

Back braces

Back braces

Back braces unloads weight in the lower back and reduces pressure in the spine, joints, discs and muscles. Back braces may be flexible, semi-rigid or rigid of which rigid braces treat moderate to severe pain and instability and heal fractures after back surgery. Flexible braces like corsets and lumbar belts shift weight from the spinal cord and add spinal support to injured muscles.Rigid and semi-rigid braces reduce range of motion and prevent bending and minimize muscle tension.


Epidural steroid injections

Epidural steroid injections


Epidural steroid injections provide temporary relief for back pain and are considered as a part of non surgical treatment of sciatica. It is injected in epidural space around the spinal cord and nerve roots so that inflammation is reduced and mobility is improved. It encourages patient’s participation in rehabilitation programs and physical therapy. Epidural injections are administered in cases like herniated discs, degenerative disc disease and spinal stenosis in the lumbar area.


Manual manipulation


Spinal manipulative therapy consists of moving and joining jolts, massage, exercise and physical therapy to reduce pressure in joints and minimize inflammation while improving nerve function. Practitioners apply controlled thrust to restore muscle imbalances. Soft tissue work applies pressure in soft tissue so that muscles are relaxed, breaks up scar tissue, increases circulation and eases pain. Mobilization employs varying speed, force and distance to pull or push joints which loosens tight muscles.




Back pain may occur due to an extremely busy schedule, poor body posture, prolonged sitting. Acupuncture triggers release of opioids in the brain, muscles and spinal cord which decreases pain and promotes sound sleep.


Massage therapy

Massage therapy


Massage therapy enhances blood circulation, increases endorphin levels and reduces muscle soreness. Hot stone massage is massage therapy using hot stones for upper back pain and eases muscle tension. Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, trigger point massage, myofascial massage and sports massage treat back pain.





Meditation removes focus from the pain into something pleasant so that the discomfort is decreased. Meditation changes structure of the brain through altering behavior and reduces pain in select segments in the back. It not only reduces stress, anxiety and depression but also increases memory, decreases exhaustion.


Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I relieve neck pain?

Home remedies for neck pain include heat or ice packs, gentle exercises, over the counter medicines which reduce inflammation, rest and temporary break from routine work.


What is the best treatment for frozen shoulder and neck pain?

To reduce pain and improve range of motion in frozen shoulders, corticoid injections are used. Joint distension, where sterile water is injected in the shoulder capsule eases movement. Shoulder manipulation loosens shoulder tissue and surgery is considered as a last resort in treating frozen shoulder.


How to numb the pain of a pinched nerve in your neck?

Rest is the best treatment for pinched nerves because activity aggravates the same. Diet of bananas and green vegetables, proper sitting posture, adequate sleep, exercise, ice and chiropractic treatment are effective solutions for pinched nerves in neck.


What helps to relieve facet arthropathy pain?

Heat therapy, cold pack, supportive lumbar curve, avoiding aggravated activities, low impact exercises and proper braces relieve facet pain. Though it cannot be reversed, lifestyle changes and careful management can keep the issue under control.


How do interventional pain doctors treat spinal pain?

Interventional pain doctors use pain blocking techniques to facilitate routine activities. Types of interventional pain doctors employ treatments including nerve blocks, infusions, injections, radiofrequency ablations, spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve field stimulation to treat spinal pain.


What are the non-surgical treatment options for a disc bulge?

Non surgical treatment options for disc bulge include medication, physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, ultrasound therapy, heat and cold packs, bed rest and braces.


What are some non-surgical treatments for back pain?

Acupuncture, massage, biofeedback therapy, laser therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, spinal manipulation, anti-inflammatory diet, weight loss programs and stress management techniques are non-surgical treatments for back pain.